Player's Creed
"The game of tennis requires cooperation and courtesy and places the responsibility for fair play on each player. As a member of the Lee County Women's Tennis League, I will abide by this concept and by the rules of the game and compete with the true spirit of sportsmanship, always giving the benefit of the doubt to my opponents. WIN or LOSE, I will conduct myself in a way that HONORS my opponents, my team, those who support me, and the game of TENNIS."
Lee County women's tennis league
Promoting Tennis in Lee County since 1978
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Creating a Personal Player Account
Email the assocdirector@lcwtl5.com to be added to the database.
After being added to the database create a Personal Player Account to Log In to the website.Click this link to create or update your Personal Player information.
Click this link if you have forgotton your password.
Create or Change InformationWatch this video to help you create your Personal Player Account