How to Contact Us
League Officers

Email Links
Click on the link to send email to the individual officers:
Director:Georgene Hildebrand
Associate Director:Wendy Tauscheck
Secretary:Shannon Carroll
Treasurer:Tracy White
Click on this link to send an email to All the Executive Officers
If you need to contact our Past Director, click here: Pat Burnell
Others you may wish to Contact
Other People you may wish to contact:
When Should You Contact Us
Always follow the Chain of Command.
Contact us if you have a question or a problem. It is advisable to keep your Captain in the loop and if necessary your Captain can contact their division officers, and division officers may elevate issues to the Executive Officers.
You should contact us when you are unable to contact a Captain or Division Officer to help you.
Of course, you can contact us if you feel that you need answers from the Director.
The Director, Associate Director, League Secretary, and League Treasurer are very much concerned with the "big picture" and "what is best for the league as a whole". The Director does not have a vote unless there is a "tie".
Please check the rules and if you feel there is something that needs addressing let us know. Any rules changes should be submitted to our Associate Director .A date for rules submission will be announced in the Fall. Always state the rule, the page number in the book and the change you wish to suggest.
Suggestions are always welcome to solve problems that you see.
Please refer to your book for full information regarding the Division Officers.
The LCWTL Handbook describes all the roles and responsibilites of our various officer positions.