Lee County Women's Tennis League

"Promoting Tennis in Lee County since 1978"

Monday, January 13, 2025

Welcome to the LCWTL

In 1974 a group of ladies who played tennis came up with the idea of the The Lee County Women's Tennis League (LCWTL).

This was never intended to be a "snow-bird" league and is for ladies who reside in Lee County a minimum of 90 days during our season which is from October 1- April 30.

In the 2003 Season our league joined the "web". We provide electronic score entry and every year make strides in communcating over the wires.

Over the years great friendships, acquaintances and camaraderie have filled the week days and while the tennis is great fun, lunch is just as important.

Today, the LCWTL continues this tradition, bringing competitive tennis to the ladies of Lee County, providing they can meet our criteria for courts and time to play. More often than not, we are able to give players a minimum of sixteen weeks of play during our season and for many it is as much as 24 weeks.

The LCWTL provides the scheduling of the matches, a book listing our League officers and our rules and regulations.

Our annual dues are on a per team basis, and part of that money goes towards the book printing and this website maintenance.

At all times the Executive Director and the League Officers, along with your Division Officers are here to help you have a successful season. Do not hesitate to Contact Us.


"The game of tennis requires cooperation and courtesy and places the responsibility for fair play on each player.

As a member of the Lee County Women's Tennis League, I will abide by this concept and by the rules of the game and compete with the true spirit of sportsmanship, always giving the benefit of the doubt to my opponents.

WIN or LOSE, I will conduct myself in a way that HONORS my opponents, my team, those who support me, and the game of TENNIS."